Natural Remedy: Flax Seed Gel

Flax seeds are packed with benefits. They contain a high content of vitamin e, omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, and have an anti-inflammatory nature. All of these properties make flax seed gel great for flared acne, calming irritations, hydrating dry skin, repairing damaged skin, moisturizing dry hair, and even boosting hair growth. Flax seed gel has a huge variety of uses and it’s so simple to make! You can find flax seeds in most grocery stores.

What you need:

• 1/4 cup flax seeds

• 2 cups water

• essential oils (optional)

• spoon

• pot

• mason jar

• strainer

• small jar for storage


Place a pot on the stove. Add the water and flax seeds to the pot. Set the stove to medium heat. Consistently stir the mixture making sure the flax seeds do not stick to the bottom of the pot. Once the mixture begins to boil set it to low temperature. Pass the mixture through a strainer until the gel is clear of flax seeds. If the gel is too thick to pass through the strainer, allow the flax seeds to settle at the bottom of the pot. Then proceed to scoop the liquid gel from the surface of the mixture into your jar until you’re satisfied with the amount. Add a couple of drops of essential oils to the liquid, stir, then place in your refrigerator to cool down and for storage. This formula will last for 1 – 2 weeks if refrigerated, and a couple of days at room temperature.

Flax seed gel can be used for multiple purposes! Use it as a face moisturizer or face serum after cleansing your skin. It can also be used for hair. You can apply it as a rejuvenating hair mask or as a flake-free curl holder. Depending on your intentions for your flax seed gel, you can add essential oils for a nice scent and extra benefits. For example: tea tree oil has a refreshing scent and is amazing for soothing redness and healing acne. Have fun making your own flax seed gel!

– Jessica Teresa Brito

Owner of Botanica Bunny